A recruiter that is a member of the same recruiting network I am a member of, had what appeared to be a stellar Big-4 CPA candidate sail through a phone and follow up SKYPE interview with one of my top clients. They discussed money and responsibilities on the SKYPE and he was ready to accept an on the spot offer when they flew him in for the in person interview. As part of the interview process, the team took him out for lunch and twice during the luncheon discussion he looked down and checked his cell phone, once returning a text message. He was devastated when I told him that is why he is not getting the offer. He mentioned that all of his 20 something friends and fellow Big-4 CPAs text during meals.

I found this kind of amusing until, the very next day, one of my candidates who was suppose to be being trained could not quit texting an lost his job on the first day of work.  He is in his low twenties.   Now I am concerned this may be reoccurring problem with the Millennials.

The moral of the story is whether interviewing or being trained, turn the cell phone off and more importantly; do not text.